Sunday, April 20, 2014

Omelette, too easy for you?

Since this is Easter weekend, I might write about something related with it- and I was thinking...turkeys are too big for one person..may write about eggs.

 Cooking eggs sounds like too easy?
Yes, it is really simple, you don't need very much technique.
You don't need to flip the egg in the air when you fry it.
It is almost all about timings and how do you heat - if you don't know that how do you like it to be done, your egg dish will be boring and not so appreciable.
About cooking eggs, there are few type of process,
I will talk about boiling eggs and fried eggs, poached eggs or Japanese egg recipes next time, today I will write about omelet.

Good eggs, preferably free range 2
Salt + pepper your taste(preferably natural salt)
Olive oil 1 Tbsp
Butter 1/2Tbsp

Crack the eggs, salt + pepper it and whisk very well.If you feel like wild (lazy?) you can use a folk instead of a whisk, but mix it super to add air in.If you feel like extraordinary (?) use hand blender.The mixture will be very smooth.
The point is when you droped the egg liquid from the whisk, the liquid looks like a ribbon was falling, I mean, it quickly fell.Also if you desired, add cream or milk a bit.

Heat up a nonstick frying pan with medium high heat, put olive oil.
Spread the oil evenly on the pan.When the oil started run smoothly, time to add the egg mixture.

Let the egg bottom gets set (about less than 30 sec).
Once reach there, tack the edge of the egg to the centre, to let the liquid egg run into the bottom.
For this process, using non stick spatula is the best, but not necessary.You can use your regular utensils for your nonstick pan(Don't use the metal ones!!).
Wait for a minutes and voila, almost there.. egg will be fluff and looks like pan cake.
If you like the egg to be loose, fold the egg into half.
If you like it to be harder, using spatula(or without it if you are the pro!), flip the egg and fry both sides.
 At last, put the butter on it.Why I put the butter in this timing? Butter can burn easily.

I go wild today.

Made millet salad from the leftover millet and beans. Otherwise vinaigrette for the salad seasoning, a hint of curry powder worked well.

This book - makes me want to eat omelette.I stealed this from my mother's bookshelf.

Oh at last, my food photo is on a paper, the province.
Thank you, gastropost!
The photo is cute peanuts butter cup at exile bistro.

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